It's been a while! I just wanted to take a moment to give an update on what has been going on behind the scenes.
Back in September I got promoted at my full time job! It's been a lot of fun (and a bit of stress) learning my new role, and I am excited to be growing within the company. As of February I am at a new location, which should be permanent while I am in this role. Now that I am feeling more settled there, I should have more time for my jewelry!
About 3 weeks ago I also moved into my first apartment! The move itself went very smoothly (I hired movers), but the unpacking and organizing has taken quite a while, which is why I was unable to open my store back up until now. As you may have noticed, I took that extra down time to redesign my website! I hope you'll take the time to look around, and that you like the changes! If you are new, welcome!
In some sadder news, last Monday I did have to say goodbye to my cat of 15 years, Clio. It was very unexpected and she was an absolutely wonderful cat <3

This is Clio!
I took this picture a few months ago. You would not know she was 15 by looking at her! She was feisty and playful from the day we got her until the day we said goodbye <3
She is a Russian Blue/Siamese mix that we rescued. She was born feral and was actually almost white when she was a kitten!
Also pictured is my dog Levi. He turned 5 on April Fool's Day! He is a German Shepherd and is over 100lbs (and still growing)!
I have a lot of designs I want to make, and now that I have a new space and more time, I can't wait to bring them to life!
My currently featured set is Spring themed! Spring in Arizona is very short, so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. I am working on some new designs centered around bees and floral themes!
My goal is to make these posts bi-weekly, where I can share a little bit about myself and what I'm working on.
Thanks for reading!