What's New 07/12/2022

What's New 07/12/2022

Hello again! It's been a little bit since the last post. I might try and make these quarterly and see how that goes. Not too much is new at the moment. I had a wonderful 4 day weekend for July 4th. I didn't do a whole lot, but I did learn how to make Instagram Reels! It took me a couple days to get the hang of it, and it definitely stressed me out a bit. But it's actually kind of fun now? I really need a new phone, so hopefully I can save up for one soon! My current phone is maybe 4 or 5 years old now?  Definitely in need of an upgrade. So apologies if my reels are not the best quality right now, I'm trying to make do with what I've got.

I am taking a trip up to Flagstaff towards the end of the month for a friend's wedding. By some miracle I was able to get my shift covered so I could go! I have never taken a road trip without my parents before. I am going with my younger sister. It will be the longest I've driven, and I am nervous about taking the freeway for that long. But we are driving up on a Thursday and back on Saturday so I don't think traffic will be too bad. I am looking forward to enjoying the cooler weather, and we rented a really cute air bnb for the two nights.

In terms of my full time job, a looooot has happened since April. My manager left the company, I was left in charge of the store for almost a month and had to deal with some really difficult people problems. I did the best that I could, and I definitely learned a lot, but it was really stressful. I do have a new store manager now and she is amazing. I am really looking forward to the direction our store is going. It's been a little rough but I know it will pay off down the road.

My district manager informed us all yesterday that he is also leaving the company, after 11 years. He was honestly not only one of the best managers I've had, but one of the best leaders I've had the privilege of working with. I am very sad that he is leaving, and nervous about who will be replacing him. He was my 4th District manager in 4.5 years with the company, and it's a little daunting to have to get to know someone all over again. I do have faith that my Regional Director will pick the right person for the job though.

My boyfriend and I will also be celebrating 6 years (?) together this month. We've been friends since high school so I kind of lost track of how much time we've actually been together lol

This month is also my birthday, my mom's birthday, and my grandma's birthday 


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